This is the second in a series of posts on reasons why the board practically unanimously voted for Solar vs ABS-CBN.
Promotions. ABS-CBN's supposed strong suit is their ability to cross promote across their media platforms. I think many don't realize that Solar also operates 3 free to air (1VHF, 2 UHF) channels and 3 cable channels. The ability to cross promote on ETC, 2nd Ave., Solar Sports, Basketball TV, and Jack TV along with the live showings on RPN Channel 9 is still pretty powerful. Each channel cuts across different demographics and can really expand the base of PBA fans. Based on agency negotiation rates, Solar offered over Php 200M worth of cross promotions spread across its 6 channels.
BTV and Solar Sports are still by far the two highest rated sports channels in the country and both cater to the core fans of the league. BTV is also the perfect venue for replays of the games and additional footage outside of the games like press conferences, practices, and events. Solar has proven that they can promote sports with the NBA, World Class Boxing, Poker, Mixed Martial Arts, the World Cup, PGA Golf and now the Olympics reaching their pinnacle of awareness because of the network's efforts.
Outside of the UAAP basketball games, Studio 23 really has NOT succeeded in its sports promotions with properties like the PBL and the MBA games failing to get the desired results despite utilizing the full media machinery of ABS-CBN. Mixing showbizness and sports doesn't always work as the PBA found out in the coverage before ABC5 took over during the VIVA days. The UAAP popularity is as much a result of Ateneo becoming a contender as the promotions of ABS-CBN. The UAAP was already selling out ADMU-DLSU and Final Four games before ABS started their coverage. The fact ADMU-DLSU was also a final four or finals matchup helped incredibly. When DLSU was suspended two years ago, revenues and attendance and ratings went down for Studio 23 despite the supposed cross promotions. I don't have access to ratings from the 90's but I have a feeling the ratings back then when Silverstar was covering it, was not that far from the ratings now.
Solar has proven it can build sports properties and make it bigger and better than it was before the network came into the picture. The popularity of Solar properties are at an all time high with the NBA, PGA Golf, Boxing, Poker, MMA, Soccer (World Cup), and even the smaller leagues and sports. (more reasons to come)
Judester, your comments only serve to strengthen Solar's desire to make the PBA a great league again. I'm sure that ABS-CBN is experiencing karma for its decision to pull out your cable channels from SkyCable. Serves them right!
I want live UFC events back! I dunno why Balls got it from the original rights owner SolarSports but can you guys do something about it?
so guys kung gusto niyo ng solar entertainment shows! magtransfer na rin kayo ng destiny cable..
sky cable subscriber ako since naglagay sila ng digital box inayawan ko na sila and wala na kasi solar ent shows like btv,jacktv,solarsports,etc and others..
buti na lang gumanda na ang service ng destiny.
so lumipat na kayo.
i-boykot na yan ebs and meralco!
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