There are certain moments that change the course of your life significantly. Professionally, it was when I transferred to Solar and really had full control of growing the Sports Television genre in the Philippines. Launching Basketball TV, taking care of the Olympics, handling the NBA and marketing the Pacquiao fights were all life changing projects.
I think my move to FOX was another since working for a multi national has really opened a lot of opportunities for me as well. I'm pretty psyched at how FOX, NatGeo, Channel V, Star World, and Star Movies have grown the past 2 years. There is lots more to do but the foundation is strong and the momentum is good.
Personally, this week has been one of those life changing times. After two boys, we finally got our baby girl last January 5. I have pretty much stopped updating my blog since moving to FOX a year and a half ago but I just felt compelled to at least upload an entry to signify my daughter's arrival.
The experience of having a child is something that only parents know. It is one of those things in life where trying to describe the feeling would be fruitless. You really just have to live it out and find out how awesome it is. It was an amazing to see Paulina be born into this world. It is obvious that I haven't written anything outside of emails and business letters as I am struggling to figure out what to write in this entry. All I know is that I have this uncontrollable desire to give my whole heart to this girl that I've known for a few days. I am willing to do anything to make her happy.
A great start to 2011 indeed worthy of a blog entry. I'm pretty sure nobody visits anymore so my entries from now on are really just for personal documentation and reference. So I welcome Paulina Elisabeth Bautista Turcuato! I look forward to the rest of my life with you.